Saturday 12 May 2007


Well, what can i say.. My doa finally came true. I really want to do this long time ago. Alhamdulilah, thanks to Allah. I finally made it.

a born of a new life.. my own blog. i don't care what u think but to tell the truth, i've been waiting for this to happen for a long time. And Alhamdulilah, only He knows.

Well, my intention is to keep this blog a private one. As private as it can be but still welcome thoughts from anyone who drop by. I just need a mean to jot down my thoughts, share my memory with lots of buddies out there where i can't reach n hopefully, make contacts with new buddies who might share my interests.

Today i tasted afni's coffee ( Not bad.. The urge to brew my own is undescribable..

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